Through these things, I learnt that the placement of the camera and set are crucial to get correct before shooting, and although I was able to utilise these mistakes for effect, it is important to make sure everything is carefully planned before shooting.
The maquette, model and set building were not only educational, but very satisfying to create. As stop motion is a very hands on animation techqniue, I found these elements furthered this and out of all of them i think I learnt most about the set building aspect. Where as my set could have perhaps more detail on the brick work, and been built so it stood by itself more freely for longer periods of time, I am pleased that I was able to achieve the broke, old, run down feel that I was aiming for.
I also learnt that when compositing, it is necessary to animate using the right light, and with the pumpkin, I decided to leave some paint on the assotate for effect, but this would cause problems with keying at a later stage. It is also important that when using a variety of materials, that they still all aesthetically fit, otherwise the animation can loose its original visual style. However, I am pleased that I have tried a variety of materials and techniques, as it has given me an insight into the various aspects of working in stop motion, and the trials pitfalls of working with different textures and techniques. In this fully composited version, I found the compositing needs work and I should try using motion tracking in future, I am pleased that for the main part that my elements fit well together. However, the pumpkin and the vines work less well, and do not seem to fit so easily into the scene. Next time I think I would animate these on the set as I photographed the camera movement, and use less clay to avoid weight problems. I was however pleased with the way that my lighting design worked. From a purple (the colour of magic) when the pumpkin turns into a coach, to a dank green when the witch is transported by a Centaur to the town, to then a orangey burning light while the crowd gathers, to dark red as the town burns down.